MARUMO, a combination of the Korean ancient words
MARU(classic) and UMO(feather), meaning "the best plumage.”
MARUMO is our premium down brand that provides the
best value products to our customers.
It signifies a nature-friendly feather product beneficial
to both humans and the environment.

Our Goals

With world-class quality down and feathers, and through the bright future of MARUMO productions, ranging from clothing, bedding, and even outdoor markets, we will do all it takes to be your best choice for a partner for daily living.

Our Organization

Our values

Our values, ‘Nature’, ‘Warmth’, ‘Eco-Friendly’, have always been at the heart of our business.


'Nature' is one of our core values and we adhere to strict animal welfare standards. MARUMO products are ‘Responsible Down’ products certified by ControlUnion, an international standard developed to ensure down products comes from ethically treated geese & ducks. We are committed to protect natural resources as we create highest quality products for you.

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